by Josephine Collins | Sep 9, 2017 | Spiritual Guidance
I have been aware of my Native American Indian guide since my early 20s when he spoke to me one night while I was lying in bed. He spoke to me very clearly in his native language, which I now know is Navajo. While I heard every word, I couldn’t understand what he was...
by Josephine Collins | Aug 10, 2017 | Healing
After reading Chris Ratter’s fascinating book Mediumship Within, where he describes his personal path to becoming a healer and his experiences of working with his spirit team (see Book Reviews), I was lucky enough to have a few healing sessions with him. Chris and his...
by Josephine Collins | Jul 30, 2017 | Healing
I love acupuncture, it’s such an amazing therapy for healing and staying healthy. Claire Hollobon has been my acupuncturist for many years and I’ve always found the visits relaxing and enjoyable. More recently I’ve been having Claire’s amazing Facial Revitalisation...
by Josephine Collins | Jul 30, 2017 | Healing
When my spirit guide Chan told me I should massage my caesarean scar because it was blocking my energy I was surprised, but after searching the internet and finding out many people do massage their scars to stop them becoming tight and hard, I attempted to do it...