by Josephine Collins | Oct 9, 2018 | Positivity, Soul Reading, Spiritual Guidance
Every human with a soul has the ability to read another soul. The process is very simple: Look at another person, preferably look into their eyes and allow yourself to process what you see. Let the feelings you get from looking at this person filter into your mind. If...
by Josephine Collins | Jul 27, 2018 | Spiritual Guidance
Information and Misinformation A lawyer once told me that creating confusion is used as a form of defense, so that no one will find the truth. If you are a spiritual seeker or a seeker of truth, you’ve probably noticed how confusing finding the truth can be sometimes....
by Josephine Collins | Mar 29, 2018 | Spiritual Guidance
When my children reached their teens, I began to feel a build up of frustration at not having accomplished my spiritual work. One day in the middle of sorting out the washing in the kitchen, I said out loud with a powerful feeling of frustration, ‘I can’t believe...
by Josephine Collins | Jan 2, 2018 | Spiritual Guidance
At the beginning of 2017 I had an ongoing dramatic experience with my spirit guides that made a huge difference to my life. I had been to see a medium who had told me that my grandmother wanted me to know I was not alone and that she and other spirits that were around...
by Josephine Collins | Jan 2, 2018 | Spiritual Guidance
While my main guides have known me all my life, I wasn’t conscious of them until I was in my twenties. This is what they said about that time and how everyone can connect with their guides: Not long after we met Josephine we were keen to get her started on her path....
by Josephine Collins | Dec 5, 2017 | Spiritual Guidance
Although I have always been a sensitive person, able to pick up on people’s feelings and atmospheres, it wasn’t until I was about 14 years old that I started to have some obvious psychic experiences. These included a spontaneous out of body experience, a feeling of my...