Spiritual Experiments: The Portal of Truth
Matias Flury
I found this book fascinating and well written, almost like a novel. It’s about the author, Argentinean born Matias Flury and his adventures on the path to Enlightenment. Much of it includes his spiritual experiences along with the extreme physical and mental trials he suffered, often brought on by overdoing different shamanic techniques. The genuine love between him and his American wife is touching and the description of their life in Amma’s Ashram and their opinion of different guru’s left me wanting to know more.
Guided – A True Life Story
Linda Deir
I am an avid reader of spiritual books and my husband is not, however when he heard me listening to this book on my Kindle, he became surprisingly interested and wanted to hear more. The book is the story of Linda’s life and how her Spirit Guide Angels as she calls them, guided her through her abusive childhood and told her ‘Life will get better for you as you get older…if you can make it through childhood’. It’s a great book for encouraging you to listen to your spirit guides and live your own truth, no matter what others think of you.
Alec Harris – The full story of his remarkable physical mediumship
Louie Harris
This was an amazing book, beautifully written, about physical medium Alec Harris and his wife Louie, who was also a medium. It starts as a love story and moves into the physical mediumship later in the book. The amazing stories of spirits who were able to materialize, spirit guides who came through with their own light and the many people who attended the circles including children, opened my mind to the real possibilities of physical mediumship. I definitely felt a fondness for Louie and Alec Harris and felt I missed them when the book came to an end.
A Vital Fluid Called Ectoplasm – A New Therapeutic Proposal
Matthieu Tubino
I was really pleased to come across this book which is a genuine study of ectoplasm. It explains how having too much ectoplasm can negatively affect your health and what we can do about it. Written by Brazilian author Matthieu Tubino who is obviously a natural sensitive and healer. He puts forward his theory in an intelligent, caring and sensitive way. I would love to read his other book, but sadly it’s in Portuguese, so I’ll just have to wait and hope it gets translated into English.