More Alien Experiences

Alien Meditation Experience More recently I had an experience when I was meditating which took me by surprise. I was working with a light body meditation and could feel that the vibrations around me were powerful and high. So I was amazed to see a six-foot creature...

Josephine’s Alien Experiences

Alien Experiences While I have no conscious experiences of being abducted, I have seen alien type beings a few times when I’ve least expected it. This happened once during a Reiki workshop and I’ve also seen some strange beings during meditation. Each time these...

Dramatic Reconnection with My Guides

When my children reached their teens, I began to feel a build up of frustration at not having accomplished my spiritual work. One day in the middle of sorting out the washing in the kitchen, I said out loud with a powerful feeling of frustration, ‘I can’t believe...

Dramatic Spirit Guides Connection

At the beginning of 2017 I had an ongoing dramatic experience with my spirit guides that made a huge difference to my life. I had been to see a medium who had told me that my grandmother wanted me to know I was not alone and that she and other spirits that were around...

Connecting with your Spirit Guides

While my main guides have known me all my life, I wasn’t conscious of them until I was in my twenties. This is what they said about that time and how everyone can connect with their guides: Not long after we met Josephine we were keen to get her started on her path....

Meeting my Spirit Guides

Although I have always been a sensitive person, able to pick up on people’s feelings and atmospheres, it wasn’t until I was about 14 years old that I started to have some obvious psychic experiences. These included a spontaneous out of body experience, a feeling of my...

Why Star Love Unity?

I have been aware of my Native American Indian guide since my early 20s when he spoke to me one night while I was lying in bed. He spoke to me very clearly in his native language, which I now know is Navajo. While I heard every word, I couldn’t understand what he was...